We have the right solution for your needs! Now is the best time to find out how to get rid of neck acne. Stay tuned for all the latest tips!
At a Glance: The neck is one of our often neglected body parts. What we don’t realize is that because of their close proximity to each other, whatever affects our face will also most likely appear on the skin of our neck, like acne.
Remember how your mom used to give you a bath when you were a child? Without missing a spot, she would carefully lather your neck and remove all traces of dirt and grime.
Think of how she would give her utmost attention to every detail of your neck and nape and remind you to the same once you’re on your own.
She must’ve even told you at one point that a nice-looking neck complements a beautiful face.
It turns out that your mom was right after all!
Your neck is not just an appendage that connects your head to the rest of your body.
If, like most people, you religiously follow a facial skin care regimen but won’t even exfoliate your neck, chances are you’ll need a scarf sooner or later to disguise the horrendous skin impurities growing there.
Yes, your neck can also suffer from the same skin problems that plague your face – one of which is acne.
What The Neck!?!
The obsession with a smooth, fair neck has spanned cultures, geographies, and generations.
Certain Asian and African countries decorate their necks with elegant jewelry and makeup as they consider it a beauty status.
For the modern woman like you, however, your neck is an easy giveaway of your age as it is more susceptible to wrinkling and sagging.
And being a sweat-prone area, your neck may become a catch-basin of dirt, oil, and bacteria that perspiration may aggravate into developing acne.
Neck Acne Causes - The Onset Of Neck Acne
The best way for you to learn how to treat neck acne is by understanding what causes the skin to break out in the first place.
As you may already know, acne occurs when the sebaceous glands (oil glands) produce too much sebum (oil).
This forms a “plug” that blocks dirt and bacteria within the hair follicles or pores of your skin.
The areas of your skin that are susceptible to acne are the ones with the most hair follicles; the face, the upper back, the chest, and the neck.
Unlike facial acne, breakouts on the neck and body are often caused by external factors.
This means that instead of your body’s biological composition, it is your regular habits and activities that affect your chances of developing neck acne.
The good news is that you can easily control the culprit behind your neck acne and combat the condition successfully by using external methods.
Below are factors that cause acne to pop out on your neck. Now let’s take a look at each of them in turn to see how changing your lifestyle will help you get rid of those annoying spots forever.
1. The Products That You Use
Have you checked the ingredients of your beauty and grooming products recently?
While your hair and skin care products, as well as the cosmetic tools you use, promise to make you look good, they can actually cause your neck more harm when they get in contact with it.
Oil-based products that contain petroleum, silicone, and shea butter clog your hair follicles and trap bacteria deeper within your pores.
Even the ingredients that create the soap suds on your bath products can cause your zits to flare up.
What you can do about it:
Always check the product’s label first and analyze the ingredients if you find yourself in the dark as to which ones to avoid when buying a hair and skin care product.
Your cosmetic tools, such as makeup brushes and sponges, razors, and towelettes may also become the breeding ground of bacteria that can cause acne.
Do not forget to clean them up and store in a sterile environment or throw away when necessary.
2. The Clothes and Jewelry That You Wear
The wrong clothing size and material do not only make your figure look bad, but they can also make your skin look terrible.
Tight clothing and synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon can restrict your skin from breathing.
When this happens, sweat becomes trapped on the surface of your skin and clogs your pores with oil, dirt, and bacteria.
Metal from jewelry may also cause lesions to break out when it rubs off against your skin. Nickel which is used to create jewelry can cause allergies that sweat may exacerbate.
What you can do about it:
Opt instead for fabrics that allow the skin to breathe, such as cotton or silk and avoid using jewelry that may cause irritation on the skin of your neck.
3. The Sports That You Play…
…or any activity for that matter that makes you perspire.
“But sweat lets out toxins that may otherwise cause acne,” you may argue.
Sure. It also glues irritants like dust and grime on your skin and clogs your pores.
While sweat is a natural cleansing mechanism of the body, too much of it is not good.
What you can do about it:
After sweating it all out from a gruesome activity, hit the shower to freshen up and cleanse your skin.
4. The Environment That You Are Exposed To
If you are always traversing the city, you might want to consider staying indoors more.
In case you didn’t know, the air around you is packed with free radicals. Free radicals are often contained in smog, a form of air pollution that is mainly produced by automobiles.
As you breathe, polluted air, smog, and other impurities get into your lungs. They are released into the bloodstream and, finally, the skin.
Your neck acne can also be a form of digestive inflammation that is caused by particulates.
A form of air pollution, particulates are the composite of all the hazardous solid and liquid particles released into the air by factories and burnt fuels.
As you breathe in particulates, they become stuck in the mucous membrane of your respiratory tract and end up in the small intestines.
Since these toxic microscopic substances are foreign to your digestive tract, it becomes inflamed. This inflammation is superficially manifested on your skin in the form of acne.
What you can do about it:
Free radicals are especially rampant in the air in the summer months.
Avoid going out as much as possible during the hot season. If you really have to, bring a handkerchief that you can cover your nose and mouth with.
Make sure that you also wash your face once you get indoors to remove dirt and other particles that can be harmful to your skin.
Do not neglect your body’s need for antioxidants which are readily available in nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables.
When Neck Acne Has Taken Its Painful Course
Neck acne can be very persistent and, no matter how much you try to deal with it, it can still find ways to make your life miserable.
But, don’t worry! Let us be your guide using the best natural remedies.
You can find most of these ingredients at home or your local health food store.
Not only are they very affordable and easy to prepare, but they are also very potent and effective in getting rid of your neck acne.
And because these treatments for neck acne are mild and non-invasive, they won’t cause you any downtime.
1. Witch Hazel
Hamamelis, more commonly known as witch hazel, is a winter-flowering shrub that is a natural source of topical antioxidants.
One such antioxidant is tannin, which can reduce inflammation and irritation when applied topically.
Tannins are found in the leaves and bark of witch hazel. You can distil witch hazel leaves and bark to produce an astringent-like liquid that is extremely helpful in getting rid of sores.
And here’s how to use this powerful remedy to clear away your neck acne:
- Brew your own witch hazel tonic that you can use to dry up your neck acne.
- In a stockpot, boil a mixture of witch hazel bark and distilled water.
- Simmer it down for twenty minutes then remove from heat. Let it cool.
- Once the mixture has cooled, strain and add half parts vodka to the stock.
- Apply it on your face with a cotton ball, the way you would a regular astringent.
2. Honey
Produced by bees that feed on the flowers of the Manuka tree, which is native to New Zealand, Manuka Honey is a powerful treatment for your neck acne.
Manuka honey contains dietary methylglyoxal, which has great antibacterial properties.
It helps kill off the acne-causing bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes, that colonize the pores and feed on sebum and dead skin cells.
When placed directly on the skin, Manuka Honey also helps in taming the painful swelling and redness of your acne lesions.
As an external treatment for neck acne, you can use it in two ways:
First, you can apply Manuka Honey directly on your infected lesions. Make sure that you cover it with sterile gauze for at least 30 minutes to keep it from being rubbed off.
Then, rinse it with warm water and try to repeat the entire process every couple of hours or so until the lesions become less inflamed.
Second, you can make your own Manuka Honey mask and apply it on your neck acne overnight. This is especially useful in diminishing the appearance of scars.
The hydrogen peroxide content of Manuka Honey will help lighten your neck acne scars with ongoing use.
By mixing equal parts of Manuka Honey and other natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients like cinnamon or spirulina, you are concocting a great mask that stops the growth of pathogens that infect your skin.
Apply this mask on your neck and leave overnight then rinse off in the morning.
3. Matcha
If you frequent coffee shops, you must have tried the delicious Matcha Frappe at some point.
Matcha, a finely ground powder form of green tea, is a powerful source of antioxidants, including vitamins A, C, and E, as well as selenium and zinc.
Matcha also contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate or EGCG, a phytochemical that fights off free radicals that cause skin inflammation and acne.
More than that, drinking brewed Matcha or any green tea variant helps regulate your insulin levels and balances your hormones to keep acne at bay.
And here’s how to use Matcha to get rid of your embarrassing neck acne:
Prepare a spot on paste for your neck acne by mixing a tablespoon of Matcha powder with equal parts of warm water.
Stir the mixture until it forms into a soft paste that you can apply directly on your zits.
Leave it on to dry for 15 minutes, then wash off.
The Bottom Line
There you have it – a complete guide on how to deal with your neck acne.
The thing with neck acne is that it will always bug you at some point in your life, but you don't have to fall victim to it all the time.
Remember, in getting rid of neck acne, prevention is always better than cure.
Lucky you! Neck acne is almost always caused by external factors that you can easily control if you’ll only follow a healthy lifestyle and listen to the helpful advice of skin care specialists.
And, yes, even your own mom’s constant reminder to wash your neck properly!