We backed up our article with the input of the best specialists on how to get dark skin naturally. Don't miss out to find out all you need!
Getting dark skin naturally may sound like a lot of time and effort, especially if you're trying to avoid less appealing methods such as tanning, but it's actually simpler than you think.
Though most people would say that tanning is the only way you can try to get darker skin naturally, there are actually a couple of safer ways you can do so.
You can easily darken your skin naturally while reducing the risk of skin cancer through a proper diet and a making use of a fine skin regimen.
In this article, we have listed all the best tips on how to naturally get darker skin - now let’s find out what they are and how they can help you.
Why Is My Skin Getting Darker?
Your complexion is basically a result of genetics, cells, and your geographical placement.
From a molecular point of view, dark skin is actually caused by the presence of melanin in your body. Melanin is a type of cell formed from the amino acid tyrosine.
Basically, the more melanin your body contains, the darker your complexion will be.
The amount of melanin that's present in your body is dependent on two things, your genes and the place where you have lived the longest.
Studies have shown that people who were born in places where the climate is warm tend to have more melanin in their body. This is because melanin is a form of protection that your body develops when it senses your skin is in danger.
However, some people can be born with melanism, a condition where excessive amounts of melanin are present in the body, therefore causing completely dark skin.
Methods You Should Avoid
Before we get into how to naturally get darker skin, let us first discuss which skin darkening methods you should avoid.
What's ironic about these methods that I'm about to tell you is that they are typically the most tried methods today, despite the health risks associated with them.
These dangerous skin darkening methods we're referring to are sun tanning and indoor tanning.
According to recent statistics, about 90% of melanomas are caused by extreme exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. This is regardless of whether they're from a natural or artificial source.
A lot of people who get tans think that the worst that they can get are sunburns.
What they don't know is that tanning can also cause damage to elastin and collagen fibers and dermal blood vessels.
Tanning is so harmful that the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Department of Health and Human Services actually declared it as a "human carcinogen."
Though the tanning industry has directed the attention of many of their customers to the fact that vitamin D can be greatly absorbed by the body through ample exposure to UV rays.
But they failed to mention how excessive exposure to both UVA and UVB rays is cancerous to the body.
Now let’s dive into more detail about why you should definitely avoid these methods.
If you're still unconvinced that traditional tanning methods are downright harmful, perhaps you will think twice about tanning once you get familiar with its negative effects.
Here are a couple of things that can happen to your body if you try tanning:
1. Sunburn On Dark Skin
A sunburn, also known as erythema, is a type of skin damage that can immediately occur after being extremely exposed to UV rays.
Once you get a sunburn, you will notice patches of your skin turning red or peeling. This is caused by the UV damage in your skin's epidermis.
The epidermis is the outer layer of your skin. When exposed to ample amounts of UV rays, your skin signals your brain to increase the blood flow in the exposed areas and to release chemicals in your body, making your skin feel pain to the touch.
As a form of protection, your body's white blood cells then proceed to remove the skin damaged from UV exposure through peeling.
This is a method that we don’t recommend because there are some tips on how to make skin darker without tanning. Read on!
2. Premature Aging
Tanning ultimately causes the appearance of wrinkles in the skin, and when wrinkles are involved, aging comes into question.
Premature aging is one negative effect of extreme UV exposure. If you tan frequently, you will notice the build up of leathery and wrinkled skin. You will even find dark spots across the UV exposed area.
Since UV rays can cause significant damage to skin-youthening collagen and elastin fibers, your skin will lose its capability to keep itself healthy.
What's worse about premature aging caused by exposure to UV rays is the fact that it's actually a long-term side effect.
This means that you wouldn't know if it's starting to happen. One day you'll just wake up and wonder how the heck did you get all wrinkled up.
3. Skin Cancer
There are generally 2 types of skin cancer that you can get from extreme exposure to UV rays: Melanoma and Non-Melanoma Melanoma occurs less among tanners, but is ultimately more dangerous.
Though Melanomas are quite dangerous, they can be cured and are easily detected during the early stages according to the American Cancer Society (ACS).
Non-Melanomas, on the other hand, are more frequent than Melanomas. They develop in UV exposed areas of your body, which is usually the neck, face, ears, and lips.
Though skin cancers can be passed down through hereditation, recent studies have shown that extreme and frequent exposure to both UVB and UVA rays can cause it.
The skin cell damage caused by such rays can lead to abnormal growth of skin cells.
When this happens, benign or malignant growths can develop as your body's natural defense against cancer cells gets weakened as well.
4. Actinic
Actinic, also known as solar keratosis, is an early form of skin cancer. It's a common condition that affects 5 million individuals in the U.S. alone.
What's bad about getting actinic is that it's actually a pre-malignant skin condition that can easily turn into severe skin cancer.
5. Weakened Immune System
Extreme exposure to both UVA and UVB rays can cause your body's defenses to weaken.
When your immune system doesn't function well, you are left vulnerable to all sorts of diseases and infections.
Not only will your body have a tough time protecting itself from disease or infection causing viruses, but it will also have a more difficult time recovering as well.
How To Get Dark Skin Naturally
Now that you are well aware of the skin darkening methods you should avoid and why you should steer clear of them.
So how to make my skin darker without tanning? Now let’s dive into methods you can try to naturally get darker skin.
1. Indulge in a Skin-Healthy diet
One method you can easily try to get a darker complexion is through ingesting more tomatoes, carrots, and other tomato based foods.
Tomatoes are a vital source of lycopene, an agent that promotes good complexion and healthy skin. What's great about tomatoes and carrots is that they help equip your skin with the protection it needs to avoid UV damages.
Try to include as many tomatoes and carrots in your diet as you can. You can eat them cooked, raw, pureed, or even juiced.
If you dislike tomatoes and carrots, you can always try taking some beta-carotene pills. Taking such pills will cause your skin to gain a tanned color.
However, do be mindful of the dosage you are taking. Always check with your doctor first, especially when you are taking other medicine as well to ensure your complete safety.
2. Using Natural Oils
If you are familiar with the wonders of natural oils, then you wouldn't be really surprised to know how some natural oils can actually help you get darkened skin.
Emu oil is one natural oil that can help your body produce high amounts of melanin. And where there are large amounts of melanin, there's dark skin.
What's great about emu oil is that you can easily use it to effectively gain a darker shade or two for your skin.
If you're open to trying natural oils, we recommend going with Australian emu oils.
Australian brands of this oil are great since they often come directly from the source with very little to no artificial fillers.
3. Try to Use Skin Darkening Moisturizers
If you thought moisturizers are only for softening and whitening skin, you're mistaken.
There are actually a bunch of moisturizers today than can naturally darken your skin. What's great about darkening moisturizers is that they gradually darken your skin, giving you a subtle tan. They're also pretty affordable and easy to find.
Perhaps the only downside to skin darkening moisturizers is the strong smell that often comes with them.
But if you don't mind the smell, you can always give it a try if you're looking for an affordable method.
4. Properly Spending Time Under The Sun
The key to getting vitamin D from the sun without risking your skin's health is through proper timing.
Try to soak up the sun during the early hours of the morning when it's not too harsh on the skin.
You'd be surprised as to how tan you can get from soaking the soft rays of the sun in the morning.
If you have sensitive skin that's prone to burns, you might want to consider slathering a small amount of sunscreen on your body before you go out.
Also, if you ever find the formation of freckles or dark spots in your body, immediately stop spending time under the sun.
5. Using Some Cinnamon Rub
If you are looking for a short-term method to darken your skin naturally, you may want to try making a cinnamon rub.
A well-crafted cinnamon rub will leave you with dark tanned skin that you can easily wash off. To make a cinnamon rub, simply mix 3 tablespoons of cinnamon to a cup of lotion.
Thoroughly mix the cinnamon with the lotion until the whole mixture turns a bit brown.
After making the cinnamon rub, put ample amounts of the cinnamon lotion to your body and let it dry.
Once the lotion is dried out, the cinnamon's color will have effectively sunk onto your skin, leaving you with a darker complexion.
To remove the lotion, simply wash your body with some soap and water.
How To Take Care Of Dark Skin
1. Using SPF Products
Protection from the sun is one of the best things you can do to your skin. Always use skin care products with SPF to keep your skin protected from the sun's harmful rays.
If you wear makeup, try to choose ones that come with SPF. You can also try using other products that offer UV protection such as umbrellas and hats.
2. Keeping It Moisturized
Dry, dark skin will make you look like you have an ashy complexion. To keep your dark skin glowing, always remember to keep it moisturized every day.
You can easily moisturize your skin using oils, lotions, and body butter. Do not forget to keep yourself well-hydrated throughout the day.
Taking frequent showers and drinking plenty of water can help you get moisturized skin as well.
3. Treat Acne and Pimples
People with dark complexion tend to get acne and pimples frequently. To avoid getting acne and pimples, always keep your skin clean.
Use an antibacterial cleanser on your body to prevent pimple-causing bacteria from building up.
If you are trying to keep your face clean of acne and pimples, try using a gentler cleanser to avoid irritating your face's skin.
Also keep in mind that you should always wash your face before you go to bed, especially if you have any makeup on.
4. Exfoliate
Exfoliation is the act of cleaning dead skin cells on your body through scrubbing. Proper exfoliation helps you gain cleaner pores, therefore reducing your chances of getting acne and pimples.
Do take note that too much exfoliation can be bad for your skin. Only try to exfoliate at least once a week to avoid doing so. Also, try to avoid using loofahs that are too harsh on the skin.
Instead, you may try to use gentle wash scrubs or exfoliating lotions on your skin to slowly remove the dead skin cells.
5. Using a Toner
Another way to keep your dark skin looking all glowy and fresh is by using a nice skin toner.
Toners help remove excess oil on your skin, making it feel lighter and cleaner. Some toners can even help close your pores if you have large open ones.
Do remember not to use toner too frequently, especially if it’s made with alcohol. Using too much can dry out your skin and can cause irritation or excessive oiliness once you stop using it.
The Bottom Line
We sincerely hope that this guide will help you get the darker complexion that you seek to have. You can also learn more here.
Remember that the key to naturally get darker skin is through a proper diet, a couple of safe skin darkening products such as moisturizers, just the right amount of sun, and home made remedies.