Do you think you are ready for acne-free skin? Dive in to explore our experts' advice on how to get rid of acne scabs in no time!
If you think that acne is bad, wait until you experience the painstaking job of having to deal with the scab that forms on top of it after you pop it.
Compared to acne scars, acne scabs may well be the worst thing you can get from popping that acne. Not only is it more easily spotted, but it's also almost impossible to cover up.
At least with acne scars, you can just put on some makeup and then it's magically concealed. However, that's not the case with acne scabs.
Because of its dry and crusty texture, makeup doesn't easily stick to it.
And if you think that's bad, acne scabs don't quickly go away on its own either, since it is part of the skin's healing process.
How Do They Form?
Now let’s find out how an acne scab form and how you can prevent it.
When you pop a zit, it creates a tear in your skin which eventually turns into a wound. And much like with any other wound you get, it undergoes a healing process, which starts as soon as you scrape or break your skin.
The moment you do so, special blood cells, called platelets, spring into action. The platelets create a clot, which serves as a protective bandage over the cut to avoid more blood and some other fluids from flowing out.
As the clot starts to dry out and get hard, a crusty, reddish-brown scab eventually forms. The scab acts as a protective layer to prevent any germs or other particles from infecting or getting into the cut to give the skin cells underneath a chance to heal.
Despite looking so unattractive, you have to remember that your scabs serve a valuable purpose in healing any wound you get. Underneath it, all kinds of things are going on.
New skin cells are being made to help repair the torn skin, damaged blood vessels are being fixed, and white blood cells are attacking any germs that may have gotten into the cut.
All you need is a little patience, because by the time it’s all done; a new layer of skin will have been made, and that disgusting scab will have eventually fallen off to reveal new, healthier skin underneath.
So you better think twice before you try and peel off that scab, because not only will it prolong the healing process, but it can also make your wound more prone to infections which can only make it worse.
How to Prevent Acne Scabs
Let’s face it. Pimples are horribly annoying. So I can’t blame you if you can’t help but pop it. But doing so can also tear your skin causing it to bleed and create a wound.
And when an injury pops up on your skin, it automatically goes into healing mode in which it creates a scab to cover it up and the only thing worse than acne is the scab that forms when you pop it.
To avoid doing so, we’ve listed some incredibly useful tips to help you reduce your chances of developing a scab when you pop that zit.
1. Avoid Making The Damage Worse
It’s bad enough that you’ve caused a tear in your skin by popping acne, but continuing to pick at it will only make the wound much worse.
As discussed earlier, the moment you scrape or break your skin, it will immediately start the healing process of creating new skin cells to help repair the torn skin brought by popping that acne.
By continuing to pick at the wound, you’re not only making the damage worse, but you’re also interrupting your skin’s healing process, causing it to take much longer to heal.
So as much as possible, try to resist the temptation of squeezing that pimple to see if any more pus will come out. Keep your hands off of it because it will only cause more harm than good.
2. Reduce Inflammation
After popping that pimple, it can get quite red, swollen, and downright painful. Swelling occurs whenever tissues become inflamed.
As your skin gets damaged, your body’s defense mechanisms immediately start the healing process by sending white blood cells to the injured areas in a rapid motion which cause a surge of blood or inflammation at the wounds.
In the likely chance that this happens, immediately put some ice that’s been wrapped in a soft cloth or paper towel on it to reduce the swelling and to make your popped pimple feel much better.
3. Keep The Wound Clean
Once you’ve popped that zit, it is essential to thoroughly clean the area surrounding it to avoid spreading the bacteria trapped within it.
It can not only cause more breakouts, but can also infect the cut that’s been made on your skin.
In doing so, you can use your regular facial cleanser to cleanse the area gently.
Avoid washing it harshly as it may knock off the scab that is trying to form which can prolong the healing process.
By keeping the wound clean and dry, it can speed up the healing process by avoiding any unwanted infections.
4. Apply An Antibiotic Ointment
When you pop a pimple, it can probably leave a tear in your skin through which bacteria can enter.
So it's best to treat it as an open wound by keeping the area well sanitized and applying an antibiotic ointment.
By doing so, it can help speed up the healing time of the popped pimple.
But make sure to use it only in the area where it's needed as it can clog up your pores and result in an acne breakout.
Apply a tiny amount of the antibiotic cream or ointment directly on the popped pimple to help quicken the healing time and prevent any infection.
How to Get Rid of Acne Scabs
Acne scabs serve as a protective bandage for a pimple that you just popped so you shouldn't pull off that scab if you don't want to prolong the healing process and make the damage worse.
As tough as it may be to avoid peeling off the scab, try to remember that it will only make things worse.
They key to getting rid of it as fast as you can is to keep it sanitized and moisturized while encouraging the healing that's going on underneath.
Listed down below are a few of the most efficient remedies to help you speed up the healing process of a wounded pimple to get rid of the acne scab.
1. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is well-known for its potent antiseptic properties and ability to treat wounds, including acne scabs.
The antioxidant and the antiseptic properties of this oil can hinder wound infections, heal scabs, and prevent future scarring.
It's been becoming a popular active ingredient in a variety of household and cosmetic products, such as face washes, shampoos, massage oils, skin creams, and laundry detergents.
For skin issues such as acne scabs, using 100% pure tea tree oil is much more efficient than ones found in cosmetic products.
However, make sure to use a concentration not higher than 10% to avoid skin irritation.
Before applying, make sure that you've gently cleaned the affected area with an antibacterial wash.
Pour a few drops of the tea tree oil onto a cotton ball then gently dab it over the affected area to help moisturize and remove the scab.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of the most useful and oldest remedies on earth. The raw enzymes and beneficial bacteria it contains is responsible for the numerous health benefits it has; one of which is the ability to promote healing.
Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which can kill dangerous “bad” bacteria while fostering the growth of beneficial “good” bacteria. By doing so, it keeps your wound from getting unwanted infections and promotes healing at the same time.
In purchasing apple cider vinegar, make sure to select the raw, organic, and unfiltered product to ensure that it contains all the beneficial compounds including probiotics.
Not only does apple cider vinegar help in treating acne scabs, but it also promotes cell growth to prevent future scarring. In applying, mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a one-fourth cup of water.
After doing so, take a cotton ball and soak it in the mixture. Then apply the mixture directly on the acne scab. Wait for at least 15 minutes before rinsing it with warm water. Repeat this daily until the scab eventually falls off.
3. Epsom Salt
Epsom salt has long been known to be a natural remedy for many skin ailments. Contrary to conventional belief, Epsom salt is not salt, but a pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate.
The magnesium helps in reducing inflammation to the surrounding acne scab while the sulfate improves the absorption of nutrients needed to promote healing.
Studies have recently shown that sulfate and magnesium are both absorbed through the skin, thereby making Epsom salt baths a great and easy way to enjoy the associated health benefits of Epsom salt.
You can add 2 cups of Epsom salt to a warm bath. When you get into the bath, make sure to soak the areas containing the acne scabs in the bathwater for around an hour. Do this daily until the scab is removed.
4. Plantain Leaves
Despite growing almost everywhere, plantain leaves are often disregarded though they have many medicinal properties, probably because they look similar to weed. They may be used directly on wounds to promote healing.
Because of its coagulation properties, plantain leaves are excellent for treating injuries by instantly forming a blood clot to reduce the bleeding and protect the wound.
It also has antibiotic properties which help in fighting off any bacteria that might infect the wound.
To use plantain leaves to get rid of acne scabs, make a paste out of it by picking ten fresh plantain leaves and slowly boiling them in about an inch of water until the leaves are soft.
Then strain the water from the leaves and carefully mash them until you have a nice, thick, paste-like consistency. Allow the paste to cool before adding an essential oil of your choice.
Afterward, you can apply the paste you've made to your acne scab.
Then you can cover it with gauze or a bandage. Leave it for as long as you like, but remember to wash it off when you go out of the house. Repeat this daily until the scab falls off.
5. Honey
The benefits of honey go beyond its great taste. For centuries now, honey has been used to promote healing, prevent infection, and reduce scarring of wounds such as acne scabs.
Its antiseptic properties inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and help keep external wounds clean and free from infection.
Its antibacterial properties function as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing both swelling and pain brought on by a recently popped pimple.
It's best to treat your wound with honey overnight to let its medicinal properties soak in. With the use of a cotton ball, directly apply the honey to the acne scab then cover it with a gauze or bandage.
And remember to wash it off in the morning with warm water. For best results, we recommend using Manuka or organic honey.
The Bottom Line
There it is - a detailed guide on how to cope with your acne scabs!
Nothing good can ever come from picking or squeezing that pimple. By doing so, you're creating a wound on your skin, and just like with any other wound you get, it goes through a healing process which involves a scab forming to protect the wound.
The worst part is that it doesn't quickly go away on its own. And unlike scars, scabs are not that easy to conceal with make-up.
However, you have to remember that even with the help of these remedies, that acne scab won't be that easy to get rid.
You will have to let it run its course. So don't try to peel it forcefully because it will only prolong the healing process and make things worse.
So if I were you, I would think twice before popping that zit to avoid the painstaking job of having to get rid of an acne scab.