Do you want to learn how to get dead skin off feet for good? We have the best expert advice to help you avoid all the wrong turns!
Did you know that the average person walks 3.75 miles per day?
Now that’s a lot of stress to put on our feet. People often forget that our feet are one of the most hardworking parts of our body.
In fact, only when we're asleep are our feet at rest. For the remainder of the day, our feet are under constant pressure, stress, and strain while we go about our business.
With so much attention given to our faces, we often neglect our feet. It's ironic how we do so much to keep our faces blemish-free when it’s simply for show, but do so little for the very things we rely on to help us get around.
That being said, we should go the extra mile in taking care of our feet.
Why Should You Deal With Dead Skin Cells?
Our skin is constantly regenerating itself. The production of new skin cells results in the shedding of the old, dead ones.
If you're wondering how many skin cells are shed each day, get ready for some staggering numbers; our skin sheds an estimated 30,000-40,000 cells per hour to make room for new ones.
The problem is that many of these cells hang on by a glue-like bond comprised of lipids and proteins. So, when our skin doesn't shed dead skin cells at the proper rate, it can make our skin look dry and flaky.
As dead skin cells pile up, they create a barrier that blocks out the nutrients that our skin needs. They can also mask the natural glow of our skin.
Thus, the key to younger, smoother, and healthier-looking skin is through exfoliation, because only through exfoliation, can this layer of dead skin cells be removed.
But remember to do it carefully so as not to take off the new and healthy cells below.
You Must Know What Causes Dead Skin
Our skin naturally sheds an enormous amount of dead skin cells every hour; including the skin on our feet.
However, because our feet are under constant stress – having to carry all the weight of our bodies as we perform activities that require us to stand – this can affect the rate at which the skin on our feet sheds dead skin cells.
And without proper exfoliation, these dead skin cells can accumulate on the soles of our feet causing them to become dry and flaky.
Other factors that can speed up the shedding of dead skin cells on our feet includes cold weather, prolonged water exposure, harsh chemicals, and lack of moisture.
This is why your skin is more prone to dryness and chapping during the winter and rainy seasons. The lack of moisture can create an excess layer of dead skin on our feet that can lead to corns and warts.
It can also form an envelope of thick, dry skin on the soles of our feet which can result in cracks and fissures.
You may not know this, but taking long hot showers can rob our skins of its natural oils.
When this happens, our skins tend to become dry and scaly which is the result of the development of dead skin cells.
The same thing happens when our skin is exposed to harsh chemicals which are contained in some soaps.
How to Get Dead Skin Off the Feet With Home Remedies
Having a thick layer of dead skin on the feet can create several unwanted problems such as dryness, cracks, and calluses.
Fortunately, getting rid of dead foot skin can be done in the comfort of your home. There’s no need for an expensive trip to the spa.
(Take note that people with certain medical conditions such as diabetes and athlete’s foot should not try any of these treatments because they’re more susceptible to foot infections. They should only be treated under medical supervision.)
Listed down below are some effective, all-natural remedies you can try at home to get dead skin off your feet.
1. Pumice Stone
A pumice stone is formed when a gas-rich froth of glassy lava solidifies rapidly resulting in a very light and porous volcanic rock.
It is often used as an abrasive, especially for removing hard or callused skin.
Therefore, it’s perfect for sloughing away the thick dead skin on your feet. You can buy this in the foot-care section of any drugstore or beauty supply store.
Here’s a step-by-step process to help you remove that thick dead skin on your feet with the use of a pumice stone.
- Take a tub and fill it with lukewarm water.
- Soak your feet in the water for at least 10 minutes to soften up the skin.
- After doing so, scrub the skin with the pumice stone in a back-and-forth motion to remove the dead skin from your feet.
- Make sure to remove as much dead skin as possible, without causing pain before rinsing your feet under cool running water.
- Remember to clean the pumice stone as well and place it in an open area where it can air dry.
- Pat your feet dry with a soft towel and apply a moisturizer. Massage it in a circular motion to increase blood circulation.
- Then put on a pair of cotton socks to hold the moisture in your skin while you sleep. In the morning, it will reveal smoother and more moisturized skin.
- Repeat this at least two to three times a week until you’ve removed all the dead skin from your feet.
Note: In order to achieve the best results, you should do this before bedtime.
2. Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is not actually salt but a pure mineral compound of magnesium sulfate that has been found to be readily absorbed through the skin. Epsom salt treatments are ideal way to receive the health benefits of magnesium sulfate.
With its crystal form, it gently exfoliates skin and smoothes rough patches to reveal healthier-looking skin that feels soft and smooth.
Not only does it help in getting rid of dead skin on the feet, but it also helps in soothing sore and tired feet.
In just 5 easy steps, you can enjoy the benefits of an Epsom salt treatment that will help you get rid of dead skin that's been piling up on your feet for a long time, resulting in rough patches.
- Fill up a basin with lukewarm water. Then add one or two handfuls of Epsom salt.
- Soak your feet in the water until it gets cool.
- Then use a foot shaver to shave the dead skin off your feet.
- Wash your feet under cool running water.
- Pat your feet dry with a soft towel and apply a natural moisturizer like coconut oil while you sleep.
Note: In order to achieve the best results, you should do this before bedtime.
3. Lemon
Due to its many nourishing elements like vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E, lemon has countless health benefits, as well as the ability to improve the skin.
Being a natural antiseptic medication, lemon juice can also help cure problems related to the skin.
Because of its natural acidity, it helps in softening the accumulated dead skin on your feet, making it easier to scrub off.
Outlined below is a step-by-step process of using lemon juice to get rid of dead foot skin to reveal softer and smoother feet.
- Fill a basin with lukewarm water. Next, add some lemon juice (1 cup).
- Soak your feet in the solution for about 15 minutes.
- Use a foot file or pumice stone to scrub your feet to remove as much dead skin as possible.
- Rinse your feet off with running water.
- Then pat your feet dry with a soft towel.
- Apply a skin moisturizer of your choice.
- Repeat daily.
Note: Do not use this treatment if you have any cuts or bruises.
4. Vinegar
Vinegar is as equally useful for skin care as it is in the kitchen. It works effectively in curing dry skin problems such as cracked heels and has been proven to help your skin look and feel better.
As with lemon, vinegar’s acidic nature helps in softening up the dead skin that’s been piling up on your feet.
And, after a good scrub, vinegar will leave your skin feeling softer and smoother than ever.
You can follow the steps outlined below to use vinegar in order to remove dead skin from your feet to cure those dry, cracked heels.
- Before anything else, wash your feet with soap and water.
- Add ½ cup of vinegar to 3.5 gallons of water and stir well.
- Let your feet soak in the solution for about 45 minutes.
- Remove the feet from the solution and pat them dry.
- Scrub them for a few minutes using a foot file or pumice stone.
- Rinse your feet under cool running water.
- Dry your feet properly with a soft towel.
- Next, massage the feet with some coconut oil or almond oil.
- Repeat daily.
Note: Do not use this treatment if you have any cuts or bruises.
5. Honey
Honey has several properties that makes it an essential product when it comes to skin care. It naturally locks in the moisture in your skin to reduce dryness.
With regular use, it can make your skin radiant and supple. It also has antibacterial properties that will keep skin infections at bay.
Here’s a step-by-step process to reduce dryness in your feet and prevent further accumulation of dead skin by using honey.
- Fill a basin with lukewarm water. Then add about a cup of honey into it.
- Soak your feet in the mixture for about 20 minutes.
- Then rinse under cold running water.
- Pat your feet dry with a soft towel and apply a moisturizer of your choice.
- Repeat this treatment at least three times a week.
6. Baking Soda
Baking soda is known for its many uses, one of which is for skin care. With its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, it's a useful tool in combating any skin issue.
It also works as a great all-natural exfoliant. Baking soda granules are great for buffing away dead skin cells.
Follow this step-by-step process on how to remove dead skin from your feet using baking soda to have those soft and smooth feet you’ve always wanted.
- Combine a ¼ teaspoon of baking soda with 1 cup of rose water (or with regular water).
- Rub the mixture on washed feet and leave it on for about 15 minutes.
- Rinse it well with water.
- Pat it dry and apply moisturizer.
- Repeat daily.
7. Bananas
Bananas contain many nutrients that are essential to your skin, including vitamins A, B, C, and E. Direct application to the skin can help in preventing dryness and help maintain the elasticity of your skin.
Bananas are also packed with antioxidants that leave your feet feeling rejuvenated. The vitamin A present in bananas helps to restore moisture levels in the skin and repair damage brought on by dry skin.
You can get all these benefits from bananas by following the 5 steps listed below. You’d be amazed at how much better your feet will feel after this simple banana treatment:
- Blend 5 ripe bananas into a smooth paste.
- Apply the paste over washed feet.
- Leave it on for 10-15 minutes.
- Then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
- Repeat daily.
8. Oatmeal
The grainy texture of oatmeal works as a great natural exfoliating agent for all skin types. The saponins in it help remove dead skin cells and other impurities.
It also helps fight off dryness. When in contact with water, it forms a fine protective film when applied on the skin.
Outlined below is a step-by-step process on getting rid of dead skin on your feet using oatmeal.
- Mix one tablespoon of jojoba oil to ½ cup of oatmeal.
- Apply the thick paste on the feet and leave it on for 3-5 minutes.
- Using a foot file or pumice stone, scrub the dead skin off your feet.
- Then rinse it off under cool running water.
- Pat your feet dry with a soft towel.
- Repeat 3 times a week.
9. Milk
Milk can do wonders for our skin. It acts as a great exfoliator and moisturizer. The nourishing agents contained in it leaves you skin feeling silky smooth.
And because milk contains lactic acid which is a form of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), it helps in loosening the glue that binds skin cells together to slough off the dead skin cells to reveal healthier looking skin.
Listed down below is a 7-step process with the power of milk.
- Fill a basin with lukewarm water. For every 6 cups of water, add 1 cup of milk.
- Soak your feet in the solution for at least 20 minutes.
- Pat your feet dry with a soft towel.
- Follow up with a sea salt scrub. Massage it into the feet in a circular motion and remember to pay extra attention to the soles of your feet.
- Rinse well under cool running water.
- Then pat your feet dry with a soft towel.
- Apply a moisturizer of your choice and pull on a pair of cotton socks to seal in the moisture.
Note: In order to achieve the best results, you should do this before bedtime.
The Bottom Line
There you have it – your complete guide on how to rid of dead skin on your feet.
Our feet are under constant stress which increases the rate at which dead skin is shed from our feet. Getting rid of dead skin cells regularly is a healthy practice in keeping foot problems such as dryness and flakiness at bay.
As dead skin continues to pile up on your feet, it creates a thick scaly patch of roughness that is somewhat unpleasant. And if you regularly forget to take care of your feet, you’ll just be adding more fuel to the fire.
This article has provided you with numerous ways to help you get started on getting rid of that dead skin off your feet in the comfort of your home.
So, don’t waste another minute and start getting rid of the dead skin that’s been piling up on your feet to reveal a healthier-looking pair of feet that you’ve always wanted.